Cookie Policy

We use cookies to give you the best experience when you visit our website. By using cookies, we can make it easier for you to do many things, such as managing your account or login details and purchasing products. Cookies can also allow us to tailor the content of our website so we can show you services or adverts we think you may be interested in.

Our cookies do not store personal information such as your name, address, phone number or email in a format that can be read by others. The cookies we use cannot read or search your computer, smartphone or web-enabled device to obtain information about you or your family, or read any material kept on your hard drive.

We do use a small number of cookies that store encrypted versions of information where you have asked us to, such as the ‘Remember me’ function that allows us to remember your Account username for subsequent visits. However, this is encrypted so that only Vape Lady’s Maid can read this information. The website that places a cookie owns that cookie. This means only that website and other sites that it has agreed to share information with can read the information stored using a cookie.

If you follow a link from our website to another website, please be aware that the owner of the other website will have their own privacy and cookie policies for their site. We recommend you read their policies as we are not responsible or liable for what happens at their site.

Your web browser provides settings that allow you to manage or switch off cookies. If you do switch off cookies, remember that you may not be able to use all of the services on our website.

You can find out more about managing and switching off cookies at the independent website: 

These cookies are required for the operation of our website. They collect or record information that we need to make our site work.

Common uses for this type of cookie include:

  • storing information so that shopping baskets can be provided
  • storing information for e-billing services
  • allowing users to log in or access areas of a site

These cookies only last for a single browsing session – when you leave our site, they are removed.

These cookies help us to monitor and improve how our website works.

Common uses for this type of cookie include:

  • collecting information about which pages visitors go to most often
  • noting if visitors get any error messages from web pages
  • understanding which links visitors like to follow (including adverts) and which they choose not to

The information collected using these cookies is anonymous and cannot be used to identify an individual visitor.

These cookies allow us to provide you with enhanced features that need to remember your preferences and choices, such as your user name, currency or region.

Common uses for this type of cookie include:

  • remembering how you like to use our sites, such as what text size you like or what media software you use
  • remembering what areas you’re interested in so we can provide you with related products, services, and information.

The information we store in these cookies is encrypted so that only we can read it.

These cookies are sometimes referred to as retargeting cookies and are placed by Vape Lady’ Maid or by advertising networks that Vape Lady’ Maid work with. These cookies remember that you have visited our site as well as what interested you on our site, such as the pages you viewed.

We use these cookies to ensure that the advertising and website content that we serve you, on our site or other websites, is aligned with your browsing habits. For example, to remind you of the products or services you have shown an interest in. These cookies are also used to limit the number of times you may see an advert/content and to tailor the messaging we serve you. They may also be used for market research and to help measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.



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